Tuesday, July 27, 2010

In the early fall of 1931, we moved to Bedford, Indiana. Mr. Pittman, who was renting room to Mom's two sisters, Helen and Nancy, put us on a small 37 acre farm he had bought southeast of town. It was Dad's understanding (there was no paperwork) he was to take care of the place for his rent. We cleaned out the property lines and built woven wire fences around the farm and cross fences dividing the place into four, approximately even parts, Mr. Pittman furnishing the material and us the labor. Dad bought a cow for milk. The cow gave more milk than we could use so he bought a pig to help get rid of the milk and to butcher in the fall. Mr. Pittman was out most every weekend checking on his investment. When he saw us raising that pig on surplus milk and a little ground corn, dollar signs began to flash in his eyes. We should have another cow, three breed brood sows, purebred, of course. This called for a new barn and a tractor to till the land for corn and hay. Dad was working on WPA (Works Progress Administration) at the time and with the farm was quite busy. This happened gradually over a period of five to seven years. When dad finally found out what was going on, he took Mr. Pittman a check for a load of hogs and Mr. Pittman gave him a receipt. Dad asked what that was for and was told it was on his account. When the truth came out, Mr. Pittman was charging dad for every penny he was putting into the farm, while dad was thinking all the time he was just paying high rent. Mom and Dad soon moved to town.


  1. I wonder if that should have said, "... and Mr. Pittman gave him a bill."

  2. I was wondering the same thing when I was typing this one.
